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Go From Overlooked 

to Recognized & Valued.


With the Career Accelerator.

  • ​Highly individual training & coaching program. 1-2 hours/week.

  • For young leaders.

  • Solve problems & sell solutions like top strategy consultants.

Over the course of 6-12 weeks, you will learn the core skills and methods

top consultants use to create massive impact.

Through private classes and 1:1 coaching.

What our clients are saying...


Eugenia Sanchez

Solution Engineer

@ SimilarWeb

The program was really helpful for me. I learned how to ask the right questions and how to structure complex situations. Also the communication part was super interesting. I can clearly recommend to anyone who wants to move ahead in their career. Thanks Alex.


Nadim Komboz

Principal Consultant 

@ Allianz Consulting

Thank you, Alex, very much for your coaching program.

Although I have been consulting for years, I learned a lot of new things about efficient problem-solving and effective communication. Reflecting and applying the new methods to my project was very helpful. I also liked the personality types to better understand my clients.

I think a program like this is a must-have, not only for consultants.

Your strategic and analytical mindset, as well as your easy-to-understand style of conveying your broad knowledge of consulting methods, made it easy for me to grow.


Dominik Schlesiger 

Product Consultant 

@ Continental

As a product manager at Continental & founder in the healthcare sector, Alexander supported and convinced me with the necessary background knowledge, a clear structure, and an individual focus in solving a strategic business problem. Through his 7-week coaching program, we worked together to improve my business, and we will continue collaborating - looking forward!


Diana Tamayo


@ Allianz Consulting

I recently participated in the Career Accelerator Program, and I strongly recommend it based on my positive experience. This program provided me with the tools and resources necessary to advance my career and has proven to be an integral program for anyone entering the consulting world, providing a solid foundation and practical knowledge for any project!
The program has an interactive approach that includes theoretical knowledge and practical exercises. Alex has many years of experience in the consulting industry and provides truly personalized advice and feedback according to your skills and goals!


Max Rhiem

IT Consultant & Business Analyst @ MaibornWolff

An absolute 10/10 coaching experience!

Having recently traded my place in academia for a place in IT consulting, I was looking for a way to get my new career off the ground quickly.

Alex was exactly the right mentor for the job! Not only did he help me put my pre-existing skills into perspective - but he completely changed the way I see my current role.

Thanks, Alex! I'll make sure to reach out to you, whenever I need a seasoned sparring partner.


Aleksandra Kalabric

Senior Business Architect

@ Allianz SE

Alex is a very patient and mindful listener who takes time to understand specific needs and adjusts the content to every participant, so they can get the most out of the program. I especially liked the structure and tailored approach to my needs. Every module is easy to follow, consists of great set of tools and techniques for self-reflection, further development and problem solving.I expanded my knowledge about GenAI and new prompt engineering techniques that was definitely my weak spot. Thank you Alex for an amazing program you have developed! I look forward to staying in touch with the community!


Daniel Bier

IT Consultant 

@ MaibornWolff

As a Software Developer and Business Analyst, I found Alex's training incredibly beneficial. The emphasis on Personalities & Communication and Business Storytelling was directly applicable to my work, enhancing my interactions with stakeholders. The personalized 1-on-1 sessions were particularly helpful in addressing my specific challenges, making it easier to implement the new skills. Thank you, Alex, for a truly valuable learning experience!

What experts are saying...


Lenz Belzner

Professor @ University of Ingolstadt

Co-Founder @ Zen AI

Former Director of AI Consulting @ MaibornWolff

The Career Accelerator is an innovative and well-rounded program providing consultants and professionals with the relevant tools and knowledge to succeed in their careers.

We have worked together to provide state-of-the-art Gen AI knowledge and assistants tailored to consultants' specific needs, ensuring that The Career Accelerator combines traditional career & consulting skills with new technologies.

Become a Trusted Partner.
Create More Impact.
Don't Wait For Years.

Blue Grey Corporate Illustrated Collaboration LinkedIn Banner (6).png

Learn the most important
Core Skills you need
to make 
a positive impact
at your work and beyond.

Learn 1:1 from an ex-consultant, project lead, and hiring manager.

Each Program is individualized. You Choose.

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Overview of all the possible Modules:

Learn Critical Thinking, Frameworks, and the Powerful Communication Tricks of the Most Successful Consulting Firms

How Do I Know if The Career Accelerator Is For Me?

The Career Accelerator is for you if...

  • You're a young, (aspiring) leader and want to create more impact without working longer hours

  • You're a manager who wants to think, act & communicate more systematically

  • You want your clients, colleagues or superiors to perceive you as more advanced

  • You like structure & critical thinking

  • You want to solve big problems and drive change

  • You have a growth mindset and want to stand out & move up faster

The Career Accelerator is not for you if...

  • You want a quick fix or a 1-time solution. This program will help you build enduring skills.

  • You’re more interested in doing things “your own way” and aren’t willing to listen to outside feedback. We emphasize proven systems, not our ego.

  • You care more about following the latest “hacks” over using proven methods to accomplish your goals. 

  • You think don't have the time or motivation to do the exercises and apply the methods we teach. Without putting in a little extra effort, change will be difficult.

Become a Pro Problem-Solver Today.

Frequently Asked Questions:

How much time do I need for this program?

It depends on the number of modules you choose. Typically 1 module takes 2 weeks (1-2 hours / week). For example, if you choose 4 modules, we need around 9 weeks: Kick-off-week + 4x2 for the modules. We can arrange the appointments individually to fit well into your daily routine.

Where do I find out more about you?

Apart from my coaching program, I'm a lecturer on and a writer on Medium. Best way to contact me is through LinkedIn.

Do you coach groups?

Yes. I offer group packages for up to 4 people. In this case, we have joint knowledge sessions plus individual 1:1 coaching.

Who is this program for?

Young (aspiring) leaders who want to have a greater impact in their organizations and on their clients.

What will I learn?

You choose the modules that you need. The modules combine proven systems developed by famous consulting firms such as McKinsey or BCG. You will learn the 4S framework and other systems, such as Design Thinking. It also includes influence techniques and soft skills. It's all tailored to your specific work.

Who teaches the different modules?

We have different experts for different modules. Myself, I teach the problem-solving methods and communication. 

Who are you & Why should I listen to you?

My name is Alexander Meyer. I'm fascinated by getting more done in less time using systems. So, over the last 10 years, I collected and enhanced the systems from famous consulting firms. such as McKinsey or BCG. I applied them over 8 years as a consultant, project lead, manager, and business owner. 

These systems were my secret to success, and now I want to share them. Life is too short for inefficient meetings.

How long until I see the results of this training?

Each module provides a lot of value that's highly actionable. So, from session 1 on, you can implement the learnings and see the results. 

Bottom line: Every session provides practical tools to apply immediately.

How do I get started?

Hit the green button below. It will take you to my LinkedIn profile. Then, just send me a message, and we can jointly determine whether this program is for you.

Level Up Your Career Today.

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